At My Fingertips


Show an Entrance

Our town's carpenter just finished making a new door, he wants to show you what it looks like.


The door is not showing? The carpenter made a mistake!

📖 In Python, anything that comes after the # symbol is referred to as a comment. Comments are not executed as part of the code.

📖 Comments are used to write information for humans. We are going to use them to communicate with you in the following activities.

⚠️ Remember to run the cell to see the entrance!

Code is messed up?Always remember that if you edit the cell and you're stuck you can reset it to the original state by clicking this symbol reset symbol on the top right of the page!
⚠️ Got an error? If you have an error in the output, you should fix it before continuing. If you have an Indentation Error it means that you have unwanted space on the left side of a line of code.

🎉 Great job! You learned how to write comments in Python using #, and that comments are not executed when the code is run.

📖 In this code, show_graphic outputs the entrance graphic!

This activity has been created by LuCE Didactics Innovation Team and is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Show an Entrance

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PyTamaro is a project created by the Lugano Computing Education Research Lab at the Software Institute of USI

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