About PyTamaro Web

✨ What is new on the platform?

We constantly improve our platform. These are the highlights of our updates:

  • Better integration with Python error messages (Feb 17, 2024)

    Python error messages are now shown directly inside the code editor. We upgraded to the latest Python 3.12, showing the error message in bold and collapsing by default the stack frames from system libraries.

  • Toolbox improvements (Feb 3, 2024)

    The experience of using the toolbox has been improved with pagination to prevent the sidebar from growing too much and a new search filter in the dedicated page.

  • Full-screen mode for code editor (Jan 24, 2024)

    The code editor has a new option inside the menu to toggle the full-screen mode, giving you more width for your code

  • We speak multiple languages (Nov 20, 2023)

    You can now use this web platform in English, Italian, or German. You can change the preferred language using the button in the top right corner.

  • New version of PyTamaro (Nov 20, 2023)

    PyTamaro 0.6.0 includes a full French translation and better string representation for graphics.

  • More fonts available (Nov 17, 2023)

    You can now pick a font for the text in your graphics from a broader set! Read here the full list of available fonts.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Who?

This web platform for PyTamaro has been developed at the Lugano Computing Education research lab (LuCE) at the Software Institute of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) in Lugano, Switzerland.

Contributors to the platform:

  • Alen Sugimoto
    Alen Sugimoto
    Design and implementation of curricula as graphs of activities

    Bachelor student in the Faculty of Informatics at the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) - Bachelor thesis

  • Luca Chiodini
    Luca Chiodini
    PyTamaro library, initial design of the platform, management and contributions throughout

    PhD student at the Software Institute, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)

  • Matthias Hauswirth
    Matthias Hauswirth
    Management and contributions throughout

    Professor at the Software Institute, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)

The content of the platform (activities and curricula) has been developed by multiple authors:

🧑‍💻 Why?

Graphics can be an excellent domain to learn programming. We developed PyTamaro exactly with this goal in mind, and we have been using it in several courses: students loved it! This web platform provides a way to use PyTamaro in a browser and several activities that can inspire you.

Logo of PyTamaro

PyTamaro is a project created by the Lugano Computing Education Research Lab at the Software Institute of USI

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