Photo of Alpe Foppa
Photo of USI

PyTamaro Summer Academy at the Software Institute at USI in Lugano

The first PyTamaro Summer Academy took place in 2023, and we plan to continue organizing summer academies at USI in the coming years.

  • Problem Solving

    Learn programming by decomposing graphics and recomposing them as programs.

  • Theory & Creativity

    Experience the sound theoretical foundations of programming combined with the unbounded creativity and playfulness of computer graphics.

  • PyTamaro Logo
    Python & PyTamaro

    Use the most prevalent programming language, Python, and the greatest (we think) educational graphics library, PyTamaro.

Programming: Deep like Mathematics, Creative like Art

Photo by Artturi Jalli on Unsplash
Theoretical FoundationsConnect to Algebra and Logic

The contents is informed by concepts from algebra you might know from middle school, all the way to abstract algebra and logic one would learn at university.

Photo by Alp Ancel on Unsplash
Creativity & Playfulness(De)Compose Art, Design, and Games

Starting with the composition of simple geometric shapes, we will end up composing graphics inspired by contemporary art, design, and game design.

For more information contact

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PyTamaro is a project created by the Lugano Computing Education Research Lab at the Software Institute of USI

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